The Global Careers Month

The MENA Region from 8 November To 13 December 2022

The Inter-Agency Working Group on Career Guidance (IAG WGCG), composed of Cedefop, the European Commission, ETF, ILO, OECD, UNESCO and World Bank is launching a Global Careers Month during which the European and international organisations will promote a series of global and regional events in partnership with Career Advisory Tools, International as a regional focal point driven by career guidance professional in the area of career development for both young people and adults.

  • Career guidance is becoming an increasingly important set of activities in enabling efforts to support access to decent work and livelihoods. Its value to ensure labour market relevant skilling and re-skilling efforts as well as to promote professional mobility, will be a key factor during the process of economic recovery. Moreover, career guidance is increasingly important to develop effective lifelong learning policies and a hallmark of quality in establishing incentives to training.

Read more Why Investing in Career Guidance is important and Career guidance policy and practice in the pandemic

The objectives of the Global Careers Month are to: 1) Raise awareness about the role and importance of effective career guidance to enable access to decent work, careers and support growth efforts during economic recovery ; 2) Identify shared challenges to the development of career guidance systems as well local specificities linked to local contexts; 3) Showcase high quality, as well as innovative solutions to promote career development support in diverse contexts and for learners at different stages in their educational and career pathways; 4) Disseminate research undertaken by the collaborating agencies on the design and delivery of effective career guidance.

The proposed events/activities during the Global careers Month

  • The opening event on Nov. 8th 2022 (online)
  • The closing event on Dec. 13th 2022 (online)
  • Showcase event(s) (initiatives, researches, reports, testimonials, practice, ….) (Online – TBD)
  • Support a Global Library in Career guidance and counseling (career development)
  • Participate in a “community of practice” in career development within the MENA region. (online)
  • Other

The Themes of the Global Careers month:

  • Enabling skilling and transitions during covid recovery, broadening the opportunities open to individuals and helping them to confirm and achieve their ambitions
  • Structural transformation towards more sustainable, resilient and digital rich societies;
  • Development and delivery of career education and career management skills frameworks;
  • Quality standards and the skills of career guidance practitioners
  • Support to vulnerable groups and indigenous peoples

  • The Regional events/activities will be organized reflecting on challenges, opportunities, solutions, practices and policies in the field and in the MENA Region and globally .
  • To join or nominate an initiative, organization, activist, …etc. kindly fill in this form before end of June 2022
  • For Further information kindly contact us +2 012 11 28 28 28 or [email protected]